My favorite F word....


fash-ion | faSHen | noun

You are here because you agree, so let’s talk fashion. My love affair with fashion started at the age of 6 and I’ve been fanning the flame ever since. Admittedly at times, it feels more like a love-hate relationship but that’s the beauty of it, isn’t it? We have days when we feel good and look even better; other days we feel uninspired and frumpy. THAT is the power of fashion and THAT is why I’ve always believed it to be a true form of art. Enter: vintage fashion. One thing I’ve always loved about clothing is the freedom it gives me to transform into whatever mood, vibe, style, persona I’m feeling that day. Incorporating vintage into my look is another way of expressing myself. Can it be tricky navigating the world of vintage? Yes. Should you avoid that jumpsuit just because it’s polyester? No, rock that poly-dream. And with that my friend, we both find ourselves here. Miesh is incredibly talented with an extraordinary eye for all things vintage who is ready (with me as her sidekick) to help guide you through a sea of shoulder pads, sequins, and matching pantsuits. I hope you are as excited as I am to follow along as we explore the world of fashion and all it has to offer.

Michelle Frampton